Learn, Coach, Lead For Change

Constant Hine

Events Sponsored by Horizons in Learning

Check out the variety of Constant’s On Demand self-paced course now available at https://constanthine.podia.com/?fbclid=IwAR07tyZalDf1JSLJK5eu64jBeudwBwTnBJT3hLonvRUQz_776PylxmLlpqg


2024 Transformational Coaching Course Dates

Go To: https://constanthine.podia.com/live-virtual-course

Fall  2024 –  Registration now open

10/2-4 W-F  Sessions 1-3
10/8-9  T-W  Sessions 4-5
11/13-14 W-TH  Sessions 6-7
11/20-21  W-TH  Sessions 8-9
12/4-5  W-TH  Sessions 10-11

Each session is 3.5 hours.  All Sessions are from 9:30am-1pm Mountain Time
(8:30am-12pm Pacific Time; 10:30am-2pm Central Time; 11:30am -3pm Eastern Time)

Stress Management Strategies: The Brilliance of Resilience

FREE Certificate of Attendance
CEUs $9 (+ processing fees)
⚫ Date: July 18, 2024 (Thursday)
⚫ Time: 7-8:15pm (Eastern Time, NY Time), 6-7:15pm CT, 5-6:15 pm MT,     4-5:15 pm PT
⚫ Speaker: Constant Hine, Founder of Horizons in Learning
⚫ Host: Dr. Scott Mesh, Director, Young Child Learning
⚫ Format: Online, Live (Zoom)The following CEUs are offered for this webinar:
– 1.0 NY CTLE Credit Hours
– 1.0 NYSED SW CEUs- 1.0 ASWB CEUsDescription:
This webinar will provide early childhood professionals with a variety of practical self-care and social-emotional prevention and intervention strategies to strengthen and expand adaptive resiliency skills to better deal with stress and the uncertainty of change. We will explore the key role that routine reflective practices contribute to making mindful choices and empowering decisions. These include adult self-management strategies and habits in the four domains of our lives: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Learn practical strategies to reframe disempowering attitudes to transform stress, deal with change, avoid burn out, and to have positive professional interactions with educators, staff, and colleagues. Objectives:
The participants will be able to…
1. Explain the four principles and strategies to deal with stress, overwhelm and anxiety.
2. Demonstrate ways to become proactive rather than reactive to meet challenging demands.
3. Examine the connection between their own resiliency and effectiveness in working with colleagues, staff, children, and families.
About The Speaker:Constant Hine has over 40 years experience as an early childhood teacher, adult educator, coach, consultant, keynote speaker and author. She has an MA in Teaching/ECE from Nova University, FL. She is the founder and President of Horizons In Learning LLC, and currently lives in the Denver area. Constant specializes in transformational coaching and leadership, engaging adult learners and embedding reflective practices in life and at work to sustain resiliency, effective practices and deep sustainable change. Constant’ new book Daily Reflections for Educators, Coaches, Leaders and Life (Redleaf Press 2024) supports change agents in any field to hone their reflective practices to gain self-awareness and make mindful decisions, so that in turn they can better facilitate reflection with the people they support.  
For more information, contact Cari Laroza (Administrator) at learn@youngchildlearning.com
Please share these webinars with friends and colleagues!